Monday, May 9, 2011

An Obsession with Hands

It all began with this pair...

I guess it's no surprise that someone who often works with their hands might find them of interest.

The truth is, I've never stopped being interested in dolls. I have a collection of Barbies. I love perusing listings of art dolls on line and have read more than a lion's share of books about making them. I have fallen in love with antique dolls and can't pass an opportunity to handle the often creepy but intriguing metal doll molds or vintage doll parts.

So the next logical stepwas to create dolls of my own. Hence my foray into making hands. Small hands.  Hands that look a hundred years old. Talisman hands. Relics. And symbolic hands.

Juliet Hand with Leather Wristlet and Jewel

Hand with Steel & Semiprecious Stones

Copper Orb Necklace

I made this piece this past week as a Mother's Day gift. I cut the discs for the orbs from a solid sheet of copper, sanded, hammered and formed them. Half of the assymetrical chain was cut from copper wire and soldered. The darker solid chain is representative of my mother's experience and age. The soldered one reflects my interested in the creative. Together they join to support the protected gold heart within the orb, the tough hammered exterior of which is peeled back to reveal the glowing treasured heart within.

I was pleased with the final outcome--and the recipient was delighted as well.

This design is a keeper!